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Womb & Fertility Massage

Womb and fertility massage therapy brings harmony and balance to the reproductive, digestive and sacral areas whilst reawakening and reconnecting you to your body and innate wisdom.

What is womb massage?

The massage is a gentle, non-invasive therapy which works to bring the organs in the pelvis and abdominal areas into alignment, releasing pressure and building strength to the muscles and ligaments. This realignment encourages stagnant blood to move through the body as it should, circulation is increased around the fertility organs and any scar tissue begins to break down.


How does it work?

Womb massage therapy is a gentle yet deep nourishing flow of feminine energy, supporting blood, nerve and lymph flow in and around the pelvic bowl, supporting the detoxification process and helping you feel relaxed and centred. Areas of focus are upper and lower abdomen, diaphragm, womb (just above the pubic bone), and lower back (including sacrum).

We experience the world not only through our thoughts and emotions but also simultaneously through our bodies. The body can store trapped emotions and trauma. Even if not consciously aware, there may be cellular memories of trauma that need to be released in a slow and titrated way.
Therapeutic bodywork can encourage the gentle release of stored trauma and imprints of your lineage, decrease bodily tension and/or support you in adjusting to safe touch. Your sacred womb centre is your creative portal and when awakened and healed the flow of creative energy and vitality is restored. This awakened connection enhances “birthing” of new creations, projects and relationships.

Womb massages are rooted in ceremony and are a way of honouring your body and your journey. The sacral-abdominal area doesn’t typically receive much attention, however when gently tended to and you allow yourself to receive loving, intentional bodywork, there is a sense of homecoming and deep relaxation. Womb massage is an invitation to receive nurturing and encourages profound self-connection.




This massage is supportive for:

- Painful ovulation and/or menstruation

- Regulating menstrual cycles

- Realigns the uterus
- Preparing the body for conception and pregnancy
- IVF, Fertility and Conception
- Relieves PMS & depression prior to menstruation
- Emotional well-being - the stress response decreases which is crucial when preparing to conceive or for general nervous system health.
- Ovarian or breast cysts, Fibroids, Endometriosis
- Digestive problems - releases tension and promotes hormonal flow
- Constipation, diarrhoea, IBS, bloating
- Miscarriage, abortion, still birth, traumatic birth
- Menopause or peri-menopausal symptoms
- Emotional trauma/repressed emotions
- Stress relief & emotional support
- Post Pregnancy - promotes harmony and stability in the body (see New Mother Ceremony "Closing the Bones" - a specialised postpartum treatment)
- C-Section scar healing

- Connecting to your womb space and feminine power
- Maternal line ancestral healing


What to expect

Our first session together will be a little longer than subsequent sessions as we will discuss your consultation form and your reasons for exploring womb and fertility massage.

Womb and Fertility Massage™ can include some or all of the following:

- Deep external massage: abdominal, sacral and womb massage
- Pulsing
- Stimulating reflex/acupressure points
- Rebozo rocking & pelvic wrapping 

- Castor oil or clay pack (with heat)
- Guided visualisation 

- Breathwork
- Sound therapy
- Womb energy clearing and healing 

- Recommendations for womb self-care to support the integration of your session






If you can't find an appointment time that works for you or would like to discuss anything please email Victoria at

A consultation form will be sent to you upon booking and needs to be returned at least 48 hours before your session. Please check your junk folder if you don't receive this.

For women on a conception journey, please book your session between the end of menstruation and ovulation. 


Please check your cycle so that you are not menstruating on the day of treatment.


Cancellations made 48 hours or less before the appointment are non-refundable and can not be rescheduled. 

As a small business owner these terms of cancellation are essential in allowing me to continue offering this work to our community.


Qualifications held: Womb and Fertility Massage Therapy™ - Accredited Diploma by Think Tree Hub, CThA, FHY, IICT and MMA

*Fertility Massage Therapy™ does not cure or diagnose any medical conditions or replace medical care. Any concerns should be discussed

with health care providers. This is a complementary therapy to support anyone at any stage in their reproductive lives. No pregnancy

guarantees are made through this work.







Additional Information


“The doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious. If you have a
deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you

love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door.
If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.”
― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves

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